Our products speak for themselves and we stands apart amongst its competitors in market by virtue of its unique features.
Lead being a cancerous agent, we develop lead free profiles to avoid health hazards to people. It also provides longer window life with stronger weld strength and better UV resistance.
Strategic designing of reinforcement space allows large doors for sunlight and scenic view and usage in high rises.
Avoids air gap between slider sashes, prevents insect invasion and whistling effect.
Developed exquisite designs blending traditional concepts with contemporary ideas.
Our profiles can withstand extreme weather conditions like heat, wind and rain, which are harsh in Indian sub continent.
Inherent slope with designed water outlet solution, ensures water does not stay in the system. System can withstand heavy cyclone and can prevent water invasion.
Minute details are covered while designing these profiles. Hence our profiles do not fail in any extreme scenario.
This improves overall aesthetics and saves time while fabricating the window.
Bigger sash requires more wall thickness which offers better impact strength, weld quality and prevents deformation.